After pioneering and innovating new ways of communicating and connecting with information, audiences and experiences for over 10 years in academia and 20 years in the industry, I wish to apply my craft and expertise in my field to address contemporary challenges in society. My intention is simple. To lead a creative team that together designs outstanding experiences and produces exceptional films and visuals that in some way, big or small, innovates and improves the world we live in.
Since 2007 I have inspired the best hybrid graphic design students in the country to resolve complex problems of communication in an economical and inventive way. Together we have created a memorable impact, using immersive and interactive moving image media ranging from photography to films, animations and interactive digital lab medias.
I designed ground breaking art exhibitions to successfully introduce innovative ideas to a wide audience. Through films and visuals, I curated and produced interactive live events and devised talks and briefs for students and clients alike, spreading the word about how creativity can inspire social change and ultimately the paramount importance of storytelling for successful communication.