Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young sponsored British Design: Innovation in the Modern Age: 1948 – 2012 and as part of this E & Y commissioned me to lead some young creatives to design an original art works that both reflects the theme of innovation and sits reflects their brand values of Globalisation, People and Entrepreneurship. We set a competition to gain the best artwork.
The aim of this project was to design a piece of digital artwork for the media wall on the theme of British Design. Ernst & Young's media wall is the largest LED screen in Europe. The wall display is made out of 160 Christie MicroTiles, shows current affairs news, financial news, news feed tickers and live company information delivered in ‘tweet style’ speech bubbles.
British Design is the blockbuster art exhibition of 2012, sponsored by Ernst & Young.
Celebrating creativity and innovation across seven decades in Britain from Jaguar to Alexander McQueen – British Design is the first ever event to showcase designers born, trained or working in the UK.
In 2012, the eyes of the world will be on London. We think it is a great opportunity to showcase our talents as a nation.
Ernst & Young is sponsoring British Design: Innovation in the Modern Age: 1948 – 2012 and as part of this we’d like to commission some original art work that both reflects the theme of innovation and sits reflects our brand values of Globalisation, Entrepreneurship and People.
We want our competition entrants to design a piece of digital artwork for the media wall on the theme of British Design. It can be directly influenced by the exhibition or it can take inspiration from our brand themes.
Media wall content for the LED works best when it reflects something tangible, yet beautiful and can translates well as soon as someone enters the reception area.
The 20 metre wide media wall that sits in our UK and Ireland headquarters in More London Place has been designed to act as a focus point for clients, visitors and EY people as they enter and leave the building.
Its purpose is simple: to showcase EY to our clients, visitors and our people as a truly global brand; and in doing so underline the firm’s commitment to our clients and people through a series of compelling messages and content.
Similar to, the media wall is EY’s window to the world – “EY TV” - and as it’s publically visible must always have an external focus even when displaying messages aimed at our people.
Tezo Kyungdon Lee and Magnus Lenneskog - winers of the competition.